Welcome to the CSE Library Page!
Library Policies and Procedures
Circulation Policy
K - 1 students are allowed to have one book checked out at a time
2 - students are allowed to have two books checked out at a time
3 - students are allowed to have three books checked out at a time
4 - students are allowed to have four books checked out at a time
5 - students are allowed to have five books checked out at a time
6 - students are allowed to have six books checked out at a time
Students must return borrowed books the following week unless they are currently still reading them. This is more the upper-grade students.
Any student who withdraws from Clear Sky must return his or her library book before the last day of attendance.
Books may be renewed once unless another student has placed a hold on that particular book. The book must be brought back to the Library to be renewed.
Overdue Materials
Overdue notices will be sent home periodically to make students and parents aware of books that need to be turned in. Students may not check out a new book until the overdue book has been returned. CSE Library does not collect fines for overdue books.
Lost and Damaged Books
Students learn about book care during library lessons throughout the school year. However, accidents happen. In these cases, we urge students to return the book to the library as soon as possible to be repaired by the librarian. We ask that repairs to books are not attempted by the student or parent at home.
If a book is lost or damaged beyond repair, the student will be required to pay to replace the book. it must be paid for in My School Buck. The payment must be made before additional books can be checked out.
Any items checked out at the time a student withdraws from CSE must be returned or paid for upon withdrawal.