Gifted and Talented

Welcome to Gifted Programming
Clear Sky Elementary!

Our goal is to support our highest learners with an engaging and supportive educational experience


In DCSD we have a continuum of Gifted Programming.  Most gifted programming can occur at the local/neighborhood school, such as CSE. We also have our Discovery Program, which is housed in four magnet schools across the district.  This program is an all day, highly gifted classroom, which meets some students' intensive programming needs.


A Brief Snapshot of Gifted (GT) Programming at CSE:

Gifted Programming is designed to meet the academic, social/emotional, and behavioral needs of students identified with advanced learning needs. Teachers and support staff differentiate learning opportunities to meet these needs.

1) All teachers differentiate literacy in their classrooms. This includes guided reading and writing instruction at a student's appropriate instructional level.

2) Teachers differentiate math instruction, which may include moving between classrooms to ensure programming needs are met. Teachers work with small groups during the math block so that each group can progress at a rate that is appropriate. Many groups move beyond the regular grade-level curriculum to work on extension activities to prepare them for the next grade.

3) We have enrichment opportunities throughout the school. The school-wide Spelling Bee supports students interested in competing locally, regionally and nationally. Students in grades 3-6 who love to read can participate in the Douglas County Libraries Battle of the Books. Students also have the opportunity to participate in our very own Pi Day Battle and a school-wide Math Madness multiplication contest!

4) Identified gifted students meet each month for our "Think Tank" where they learn and apply strategies to help strengthen affective and academic needs.